We are Ashley Broox & Rose Marie Setherland (we know our last names are weird, but they are ours), we have 16 years old (Ashley was born on March 12nd, 1996 and Rose was born on February 24th, 1996)
"When I was born my mom has 17 years-old, she was a teen mom and I love what she gone for me in my entire life, I mean in 16 years... She is the best mom that could ever exist... I don't live with my dad, but I know him... but know I am living with my grandparents in Chile for a season, it's crazy I know it!" - Ashley.
"When I was born my parents were going through very bad times... and they divorced when I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. It's makes me so sad,but I see my parents every day... but I love them" - Rose Marie.
"I have two little siblings, Alisson and Zachary" - Ashley.
"I have a big brother named Dean" - Rose.
"I like blue, sky blue and purple, but I prefer pink" - Ashley.
"I like lime green and calypso" - Rose.
Ice Cream:
"I love vanilla and chocolate ice cream" - Ashley.
"I prefer berry and strawberry ice cream" - Rose.
Favorite Food:
"I love Mexican food, Argentina food and Chilean food... I really love Chinese food" - Ashley
"I like Chilean food, Mexican food and Chinese food too" - Rose.
If you want read more about they, ask it!
xoxo, Ashley & Rose
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